Let’s talk about something super important and totally cool: sustainable palm oil. Yes, you heard it right! You might wonder why this is a big deal and why we should care. Well, let’s dive into why supporting Malaysian sustainable palm oil is a win-win and why the #MYPalmPride campaign is the ultimate hype we need.

What’s the deal with palm oil?

Palm oil is everywhere– from your favourite snacks to your go-to skincare products.

It’s a big part of our lives and a major player in Malaysia’s economy. But here’s the catch: traditional palm oil production has a bad rep for hurting the environment. That’s where sustainable palm oil steps in to save the day!

Save the planet, one palm at a time: By supporting sustainable palm oil, we help protect our beautiful rainforests and wildlife. Sustainable practices mean less deforestation and more love for Mother Earth.

Secure our future: Palm oil creates millions of jobs in Malaysia. Sustainable palm oil ensures that these jobs stick around for the long haul. So, by backing it, we’re making sure there are cool job opportunities for us and future generations.

Show the world what we’re made of: When we champion sustainable palm oil, we’re telling the world that Malaysia is a leader in eco-friendly practices. It’s a pride thing– we can show off our commitment to the environment and ethical production.

The #MYPalmPride Campaign: Why It Rocks

Spreading the word: #MYPalmPride is all about making sustainable palm oil the talk of the town. Through social media, fun contests, and cool content, it’s getting the word out there. The more people know, the bigger the impact!

Youth driven: This campaign is powered by Malaysian youths, both at home and abroad, taking the lead. It empowers young minds to take bold action, debunk myths, and raise peer-to-peer awareness, driving a positive impact on sustainable palm oil. With over 15 passionate advocates behind this movement, it paves the way for achieving even greater goals.

National pride vibes: This campaign taps into our love for Malaysia. It’s about taking pride in our country’s sustainable efforts and being part of something bigger. Plus, it’s super cool to say we’re leading the charge for a greener future.

Smart choices made easy: #MYPalmPride helps us make better choices. By highlighting products with the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification, it makes it easy to support sustainable options. Shopping with a cause? Yes, please!

How to Join the #MYPalmPride Movement

Learn and share via digital platforms: Get clued up on what sustainable palm oil is all about. Share the knowledge with your friends, family, and followers. The more we know, the more we grow!

Choose wisely: Look out for the MSPO certification when you’re shopping. Your choices can drive demand for sustainable products and make a real difference.

Get social: Use your social media platforms to spread the #MYPalmPride message. Post, tweet, and create content that highlights the importance of sustainable palm oil.

Be Active: Join #MYPalmPride contest, events, participate in sustainability initiatives, and get involved in community efforts. Your actions can inspire others to jump on the sustainability bandwagon.

Launched by REGENERASI on March 1st, the #MYPalmPride campaign is revolutionizing how we support Malaysian sustainable palm oil, making it both fun and accessible. This isn’t just a trend– it’s a powerful movement dedicated to saving our planet, securing our future, and showcasing our national pride. The Youth Council of REGENERASI and MASCA are making an inspiring visit to the Consulate-General of Malaysia, Perth Western Australia for a courtesy call with the Consul-General, proudly championing the #MYPALMPRIDE campaign in Western Australia.

Together, we can make sustainable palm oil the new cool. Let’s lead the charge!


Sumber :

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 12 — DAP’s Datuk Chan Foong Hin said he had not expected his change of ministries under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s Cabinet reshuffle today.

Chan said that when the news was announced, Agriculture and Food Security Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu teased him to say he was trying to find a way out of the ministry.

“It's just that this was a big surprise, so much so that Mohamad Sabu even jokingly asked if I wanted to leave him when we met at Menara LPP after the oral question session at the Dewan Negara.

“I only knew this news through the announcement of the prime minister earlier. However, I say this is not a permanent separation, and I accept this responsibility with an open heart and ready to face any challenge,” he said in a Facebook post today.

Expressing gratitude to Mohamad Sabu for guidance and support during his tenure at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, he said it was a significant learning experience over the past year.

Chan also thanked the ministry’s staff for the cooperation they extended him during his time there.

Chan was made deputy plantation industries and commodities minister in the reshuffle today while Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup will take over as the deputy agriculture and food security minister.

The Cabinet reshuffle resulted in an increase in the number of ministers from 28 to 31, and the number of deputy ministers expanded from 27 to 29. This adjustment brings the total number of Cabinet members to 60.


Sumber : Malaysia News

BENTONG: Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani said that the selection of candidates to contest the election should not follow traditional methods, but instead be more dynamic across all parties in the unity government.

He emphasised that every party in the unity government should adopt a give-and-take approach in the selection of candidates, to ensure victory in the election.

"Political strategy includes, among other things, candidates, the suitability of the constituency, and whether we have a suitable leader in that constituency.

"If we (the party) don't have a suitable candidate in a constituency, and there is a better candidate in the unity government (coalition parties), perhaps we have to give and take and be dynamic.

"Just because we (previously) won the seat does not mean we should stop others from participating," he said to reporters after he launched the Bentong Umno division meeting here today.

Meanwhile, Johari, who is also the Minister of Plantation and Commodities, said identified election candidates should be given training to engage with the community, including being 'in opposition', in constituencies where elected representatives are seen to be lacking in their responsibilities.

On the Nenggiri state by-election in Kelantan, he said that Umno was examining the background of the constituency.

"Umno has decided to contest, and once we identify our candidate, we will provide more details.

"We have a team in Umno conducting background research on the constituency, and other relevant factors," he said.

The Election Commission (EC) has set the polling day for the Nenggiri state by-election on Aug 17, with nomination and early voting on Aug 3 and 13, respectively.

The vacancy for Nenggiri was announced after the Kelantan State Assembly received a written notice, in accordance with Clause (3) of Article 31A of the Kelantan Constitution, from Nenggiri assemblyman Mohd Azizi Abu Naim on June 13.

Mohd Azizi's Bersatu membership had been revoked, and the seat was declared vacant by Kelantan State Assembly Speaker Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah on June 19. — BERNAMA


Sumber : New Straits Times

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani has urged the party to stop blaming others for its declining popularity, saying it was counterproductive.

"We should blame ourselves," Johari said in a speech when opening the Kepala Batas Umno division meeting in Penang, yesterday.

Johari, who is also Plantation and Commodities Minister, said Umno needs to look inwards to find answers to regaining its political relevance.

He also said it was important for Umno to be strong, as it was Barisan Nasional's (BN) 'anchor'.

"If Umno is strong, our allies in BN, MCA, and MIC will also be strong. If we are weak, MIC and MCA will also be weak."

Johari said the only way for Umno to strengthen itself was through hard work and to be laser-focused in its efforts.

"What is important is not to give up, and to work hard. In time, Umno will regain support."

The Titiwangsa Member of Parliament said Umno must also go back to its roots in picking the right leaders, following heavy losses in the 2018 general, and 2022 state elections.

Johari also said that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was once an Umno member, whose leadership skills had been identified, and recognised by the party.

As such, Johari said the party should be thankful to Anwar, the PKR president, in trying to uplift Umno, and should learn to work with him to help move the country forward.


Sumber : New Straits Times

KUALA LUMPUR (July 7): Plantation and Commodities Deputy Minister Datuk Chan Foong Hin is set to lead the Malaysian delegation to China for a working visit and agri-commodity promotions from July 8 to July 12 this year. 

In a statement on Sunday, the Ministry of Plantation and Commodities said that the visit was organised by the ministry, in collaboration with the Palm Oil Research and Technical Service Institute of Malaysian Palm Oil Board (PORTSIM China).

“During the visit, the deputy minister is set to have a high-level meeting with his counterpart from the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (GACC), Ecology and Environment Minister of the People’s Republic of China (MEE) and Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM), to discuss the impending issue between Malaysia and China, especially on agri-commodity trade,” the ministry said. 

Besides that, Chan is scheduled to deliver a keynote address at the 15th China International Cereals and Oils Industry Summit, in which he will emphasise the significance of palm oil and its role in global food security.

“He will also highlight Malaysia‘s commitment to sustainable palm oil production through the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification, and underscore the vital trade relationship between the two nations, leveraging the Belt and Road Initiative to enhance exports of various agri-commodity products to China,” it said. 

Chan is also expected to deliver an opening speech at the Roundtable Dialogue on the “Malaysia-China green value chain partnership: Promoting low-carbon development and a just transition in palm oil, enhancing the green economy, and supporting resilient recovery”.

“Among messages of the speech will be Malaysia's commitment to sustainability through the MSPO certification and efforts to reduce carbon emissions, including the implementation of biodiesel blending programmes aiming to reach B30 by 2030,” it added.


Sumber : The Edge Malaysia